July 31, 2016

Beware of Public Mobile Charging

Carrying our smartphone everywhere a habit, there are days that we run out of battery out in the public and instantly we go to public charger to charge our phone. However, there are consequences when using public chargers.  

Kaspersky Labs Security Experts found that they can install a third party application such as virus into a phone via USB cable connection and they took them only three minutes.

Experts also found that iOS and Android leaked a host of private information’s to the computer where they connect the whilst charging including the serial number, device name and type, manufacturer and the list of files.

Alexy Komarov, Kaspersky Lab researchers said, "The security risks here are obvious: if you’re a regular user, you can be tracked through your device IDs; your phone could be silently packed with anything from adware to ransomware. And, if you’re a decision-maker in a big company, you could easily become the target of professional hackers, And you don’t even have to be highly-skilled in order to perform such attacks, all the information you need can easily be found on the Internet.” 

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Hackers have already used the connection back in 2013, Italian hacker identified as “The Hacking Team” were able to invade a phone with malware via computer connection. 

How to protect your phone from hacking?

  1. Plug your handset into trusted computer, using your trusted USB cable.
  2. Secure your phone with password.
  3. Use protected applications like WhatsApp to convey.
  4. Update your OS because it will have the most up to date bug fixes.
  5. Importantly, never ever use public charger. If you can wait until get home, it would be better.
Do you have other suggestion to make your phone secure? Comment your thought below and we will add it.


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